City Diaries: December Moments


I'm currently writing this from my parent's house in sunny SoCal. And despite the palm trees and unseasonably warm weather, I still find myself missing the city. I mean...I never thought I'd say this, but I think I've become a "winter" person.

There is just something so magical about December in NYC. Christmas trees lining the streets, everyone actually excited to break out their chic hats and furs, the first snow of the season...having a legitimate reason to drink hot toddies? Never mind the rest of winter post-Christmas where the city effectively becomes a massive puddle of sludge for 3 months until the universe takes mercy on us sad, seasonally-depressed New Yorkers and allows us to emerge from hibernation at the sight of spring's first blooms

Before leaving for the holidays, I spent the last few weeks finding newfound inspiration with the changing season. I rented a couple new camera lenses (best idea for any photographer in a rut...pressure yourself to shoot for fear of wasting money on an unused rental), forced myself to step outside, and took a second to actually look.

Scroll below for some of my favorite shots of the city this past month. And for any skeptics out there who prefer California winters, I'm hoping at the very least the Central Park photos change your mind.
